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Ryan “Future” Webb is the education director for Urban Artistry, Inc., a cultural ambassador, and community leader. He mentors people of all ages, creates dance curriculum, conducts dance research, performs, lectures, and actively participates in cultural exchange, community building, preservation, and innovation.

Mentored by Rashaad Pearson and Junious Brickhouse, his dance style has also been influenced by artists such as Damon Frost, Steen Koerner, Thomas Herodt, Lock Smith, and Dr. Rico.

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Taught to be three-dimensional, culturally-driven, and fearless as an artist, Future has innovated and inspired others in multiple styles of movement such as Tutting, Popping Ground Dance, Jookin, Strutting, Dance Fusion, and Routine styles.

Throughout his career as a dance professional, his art has brought him to various countries such as Korea, Japan, Switzerland, Singapore, Sweden, France, England, Germany, Canada, Poland, Netherlands, Norway, Denmark, and Finland.

Ryan was on Next Level Team Egypt.